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Leader In Me

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David G. Burnet is a Leader in Me School.

Leader in Me provides elementary schools with a model and process that addresses common challenges that are unique to students during these formative years. Parents, educators, and school administrators are concerned with their child’s physical, mental, social, and economic well-being, all of which are factors that can contribute to or hinder academic success. Teachers, staff, and administrators at Leader in Me Schools are empowered to provide support in all of these areas by creating a learning environment that addresses whole-child education with five (5) Core Paradigms. These paradigms influence the behavior of staff, students, and their families.
5 Core Paradigms 
  1. Everyone can be a leader. 
  2. Everyone has genius. 
  3. Change starts with me. 
  4. Educators empower students to lead their own learning. 
  5. Develop the whole person.